Filtering by: Group Activities

12:00 PM12:00

LGL Activity | Kochkurs



Mit der Teilnahme an dieser Aktivität verbesserst du deine Sprachkenntnisse spielerisch - und zwar im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes! Außerdem wirst du ein leckeres deutsches Gericht zubereiten.


I’m very happy that you are interested in my service “LGL Activities” which take place in a German-speaking online environment.

In April 2021, we are going to prepare a typical German dish online which is a real fun activity. It will not only train your German skills but also extend your Wortschatz! Ahead of time, I will provide you with a handout so that you will be able to prepare yourself accordingly for the cooking class 😉

The handout contains an ingredient list so that you are able to do your groceries ahead of time and measure the right amounts before class starts.

Further, I will provide you with additional material (e.g. vocabulary list, quiz, worksheet, cooking instructions) so that you are ready to discuss with other participants. You will also have some time to get to know other learners better and socialize. In any case, you could use the Small Talk Cheat Sheet which is part of the material package.


  • Welcome greeting and general instructions

  • Depending on the size of the group: 5 min warm-up with a partner in a break-out room (easy Small Talk)

  • Q&A before the activity starts

  • All participants will be able to communicate during the activity

  • A “cheat dictionary” especially designed for this activity will be provided to facilitate the learning process for the participants


☝️ Register as described SOME TIME BEFORE the day of the activity to prepare yourself

🕐 Duration is around 1.5 hours. You might want to put a small time buffer before your next appointment

🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏾🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏻 Participants | max. 8 persons

💻 It is recommended to use a laptop or computer, it is much easier on the eyes and you can check easily on the board.

💲 $30.00 p.p. + ingredients | Family rate: $45.00

You can purchase this offer by filling the following form and paying the total amount due with one of the following payment methods:

- INTERACT E-Transfer

- WIRE Transfer

- Überweisung

- Cheque

Please feel free to reach out to me, should you have any questions.

After receipt of payment, I’ll get back to you with material to prepare yourself for the activity (e.g. vocabulary list, worksheet, general information etc.).

Are you interested in joining me and the LGL Community for this activity? You can sign up here:

I am looking forward to meeting you in your kitchen on April 22nd! Stay safe and healthy until then 🍀

Herzliche Grüße,


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LGL Activity | Quiz
12:00 PM12:00

LGL Activity | Quiz


Mach mit und räum Preise ab!

Mit der Teilnahme an dieser Aktivität verbesserst du deine Sprachkenntnisse spielerisch - und zwar im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes!

Außerdem kannst du einen Preis gewinnen 🏆


I’m very happy that you are interested in my service “LGL Activities” which take place in a German-speaking online environment (as long as the pandemic lasts).

In January 2021, we are going to play an online QUIZ GAME together which is a real fun activity. It will not only train your German skills but also extend your Wortschatz! Ahead of time, I will provide you with a handout so that you will be able to prepare yourself for the tricky questions that I am going to ask you 😉


  • Welcome greeting and general instructions

  • 5 min warm-up with a partner in a break-out room (easy Small Talk)

  • Quiz | Presentation of multiple choice questions via screen sharing (it is recommended to use a laptop or computer, it is much easier on the eyes). I will provide the participants with a game code to pick an answer from multiple choice answers using a cellphone. At the end of the game, the winner will be announced to receive


    *applicable for LGL admission fees


☝️ Register as described SOME TIME BEFORE the day of the activity to prepare yourself

🕐 Duration is around 1 hour. You might want to put a small time buffer before your next appointment

🧑🏾‍🤝‍🧑🏾🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏻 Participants | max. 14 persons

💻 It is recommended to use a laptop or computer, it is much easier on the eyes and you can check easily on the board.

💲 $30.00 p.p. | Family rate: $45.00

You can purchase this offer by filling the following form and paying the total amount due with one of the following payment methods:

- INTERACT E-Transfer

- WIRE Transfer

- Überweisung

- Cheque

Please feel free to reach out to me, should you have any questions.

After receipt of payment, I’ll get back to you with material to prepare yourself for the activity (e.g. vocabulary list, worksheet, shopping list, quiz, general information etc.).

Are you interested in joining me and the LGL Community for this activity? You can sign up here:

Feel free to get in touch with me at; I will be happy to answer your questions. I look forward to meeting you soon!

Einen schönen Tag und herzliche Grüße 🍀


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LGL Activities Kalender
9:00 AM09:00

LGL Activities Kalender


Übe deine Deutschkenntnisse mit anderen Lernern

Darf ich vorstellen? Dies ist der LGL Activities Kalender für 2021. Das Prinzip ist einfach - jeden Monat wird ein Türchen geöffnet, hinter dem sich eine Gruppenaktivität verbirgt. Du bist natürlich herzlich eingeladen, an diesen Aktivitäten teilzunehmen.

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9:30 AM09:30

Vanillekipferl backen


The time of “Advent” is approaching, it is time to heat up the oven! Let’s bake Weihnachtsplätzchen to be ready for this cozy and homely pre-Christmas period. Let’s try out a traditional Weihnachtsrezept.

I will prepare an ingredient list ahead of time so that you are able to do your groceries and measure the right amounts before class starts.

Further, I will provide you with additional material (e.g. vocabulary list, quiz, worksheet, information about the dough) so that you are able to discuss how the preparation with other learners. Of course I will be available to support you during the process and answer any questions you may have.

You will also have some time to get to know other learners better and socialize. In any case, you could use the Small Talk Cheat Sheet which is part of the material package.

In general, baking activities take place on Saturday mornings and are around 1.5 hours long (you might want to put a small time buffer before your next appointment).

Participants: max. 10 learners

Cost: $30 + cost for cookie ingredients (complimentary for current students)

Interested in joining me and the LGL Community? Sign up here.

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9:30 AM09:30

Plätzchen backen


The time of “Advent” is approaching, it is time to heat up the oven! Let’s bake Weihnachtsplätzchen to be ready for this cozy and homely pre-Christmas period. Let’s try out a traditional Weihnachtsrezept.

You will receive a Zutatenliste ahead of time so that you are able to do your groceries and measure the right amounts before class starts. Further, I will send you information including vocabulary list and grammar about the Zubereitung since you will discuss it in small groups of 2-4 learners how to prepare the cookie dough. I will visit each group to support and answer any questions you may have.

While the cookies are baking in the oven, you will have some time to get to know each other and socialize within the small group. I will provide you with a Small Talk Cheat Sheet.

In general, baking activities take place on Saturday mornings and are around 1.5 hours long (you might want to put a small time buffer before your next appointment).

Participants: max. 10 learners

Cost: $30 + cost for cookie ingredients (complimentary for current students)

Interested in joining me and the LGL Community? Sign up here.

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